Welcome to Grace Reformed Baptist Church

Services cancelled for February 9, due to the snow storm

We are a community of believers who gather together each week to worship the Lord.

We seek to honor Jesus Christ by bridging the historic Reformed faith to the 21st century. We would be delighted if you would join us for worship!

Contact Us

34 Grover Lane, Brunswick, ME 04011

(207) 370-9512

Our Services

We gather for prayer meeting each Sunday at 10:00 AM and then for our morning Worship Service at 10:45AM.

Sola Scriptura

Scripture alone is our final authority in every area of life, because it is the Word of God.

Solus Christus

Christ alone, in his perfect life and atoning death in the sinner’s place, is the basis for being right with God.

Sola Gratia

The grace of God alone in Christ, not works of human merit or effort, is how God saves sinners.

Sola Fide

Faith alone is the means by which sinners receive this grace of God.

Soli Deo Gloria

To God alone be the glory for saving sinners and for anything else in this life and the life to come, eternal.